Over 40 mama — Adventures in poop, patience, and first-time parenthood

Sleep habits
January 23, 2009, 7:00 am
Filed under: sleep

Behavior drifts towards a norm. In other words, habits are hard to break.  It has been incredibly difficult to get the bug to sleep on her own – without nursing.  Furthermore, she wakes 1-2x a night and wants to nurse.  Is this comfort, like many pediatricians say? Or is she genuinely hungry, which is what the results of our experiments would suggest? 

Either way, we’re back to nursing her down.  She knows how to sleep without it, but recently is not so interested in that.  


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mmmm ymmv, but i say comfort. sleep training nazis like ourselves have read that it can start as early as three months.

Comment by ed

would love to hear more about this. did sleep training actually work for once and for all? or did snapper sleep through the night for a while, then revert? i totally get the whole “must learn to self-soothe” thing, and totally agree with it. just seems like sometimes, eg when kid is sick, asking them to self-soothe is a little unrealistic. and then you find yourself reverting like we did. grr.

Comment by over40mama

we were lucky in that sleep training seemed to actually work once and for all. if she’s sick or not feeling well then she will revert and wake up more often, but that’s more a case where something is bothering her (cold, gas, etc.) instead of going off her sleep habits. this past couple of weeks she’s had a virus and an ear infection so it’s harder getting her to stay down for sleep. but you just roll with the punches (or stay up and rock with them).

Comment by ed

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